This is simply BEAUTIFUL And MY PC DIDNT EVEN BURN Waiting for templates for ports, Im staying with this SP for a while. Its also rare that you see a CvS screenpack, or any screenpack in general without Capcom and SNK characters everywhere.Ĭongratulations in your work my friend, if you need more help, Im here for this. Love the P1 LeaderPartner name subtext in the default version also, hope more screenpacks follow something like that. That lifebar looks amazing, like CvS2s but with so much more class. Seems awesome Do you have custom stage display in the character select screen. Thanks To Akito-Sama to help me in this project with testing and advices.ĬVS Characters créators, their creations motivaté me to créate this.
Screenshots What its Done - 2 version of screenpack - 2 version of lifebar (supports up to 9 rounds3 stocks of power) Version 2.0 in the future - Improved screenpack and lifebar animations - Create a 640x480 Version - Create an Intro. This screenpack is heavy, takes around 20 second to start menu animation. The Normal Pórtrait Version has 216 slots, as well as 36 hidden slots for bossescpu only characters.